The business relationship with PM Real Estate is established by written agreement or using our services as listed in our forms and their related conditions.

PROPERTY SALE / PURCHASE – The standard brokerage fee (commission) is 4% (four per cent) plus VAT, if applicable, calculated on the sale price. The commission is considered accrued and due at the time of signature of the preliminary contract of sale/purchase, and in any case it shall be paid at the latest within 30 (thirty) days from the acceptance of the offer. PM Real Estate is entitled to the immediate payment of the commission (contract for the benefit of third parties, art. 1411 Italian Civil Code).

The buyer shall pay for registration tax, notary public’s fee, mortgage and land registry taxes.

RENT – The standard brokerage fee (commission) is 15% (fifteen per cent) plus VAT, if applicable, calculated on the annual rental fee, una tantum.


PM Real Estate do not endorse nor shall be responsible or liable for the accuracy or reliability of any information provided as a result of information obtained from third parties. These information are considered truthful and we decline any responsibility for any omissions, inaccuracies or their up-to-dateness.

Some images may be staged, or upon the owner’s request they may not correspond to the actual situation for privacy reasons.


The information and data of which PM Real Estate will be made privy to will be treated in compliance with the privacy laws in force from time to time, particularly with EU Regulation 679/2016.